El Matazano
Tasting notes: Melon, fig, floral
Region: Intibuca
Producer: Augustin Claros Gonzales
Variety: Lempira
Process: Washed
Altitude: 1500 masl
Experience El Matazano, a delicious coffee from Honduras. This washed Lempira variety, grown at high altitude, offers a unique flavor profile combining sweet melon, rich fig, and delicate floral notes. Produced by Augustin Claros Gonzales, it showcases the best of Honduran coffee.
This variety is unique to Honduras, named after Lempira, a 16th-century indigenous Honduran leader who fought against Spanish colonization. It was developed by the Honduran Coffee Institute (IHCAFE) and released to farmers in the late 1990s. While initially bred for disease resistance and high yield, it can produce good cup quality when grown and processed well.